
I am not sure why I titled this post “Introductions” instead of “Introduction”.  I am only introducing one person.  Perhaps I am assuming that I will introduce both myself and my blog separately.  This would, of course, necessitate more than one introduction; therefore, under this assumption, I suppose my title is actually quite apropos and this first paragraph is now quite moot; except it did serve to prove to you that I am not a complete literary idiot attempting to write a blog (hopefully).

Since I have no idea what I am about to write, however, I suppose time (for me) and further reading (for you) is required to see if my preliminary post is accurately titled or not.  Not to stray off topic, allow me to stray off topic for a moment to elaborate on how much I hate it when people stray off topic.  I remember as far back as grade school, having peers gripe and whine, having received a failing grade on their assigned written essay.  Upon brief inspection, it was easily apparent to me that the grade was not only warranted, but actually quite gracious.  Had I been the instructor, I would have marked a big, fat, red zero on the paper and tossed it in the garbage (I learned quickly to keep that opinion to myself, as some nine-year old children do not appreciate and value constructive criticism as much as I thought that they should).  It is very simple: if you are instructed to compose a paper detailing your favorite summer vacation, and you begin your paper on topic, but then go on to fill the next three pages of your paper about your vicarious love of surfing, when you have never even been surfing before, you are off topic and your paper is completely worthless per this assignment.  It is quite frustrating when you are looking to have a certain question answered and you get everything but that answer.  Quite frankly, it is a waste of time for writer and reader.

In hindsight, I don’t think the last paragraph was off topic at all.  No, in fact, it is quite relevant as my blog is entitled “Mind of Jess”.  This is exactly why I created this blog in the first place.  I need an outlet for all the  thoughts that flow freely through my mind every day.  I do not have great short-term memory retention or recollection so it will be nice to have my daily contemplations documented to mull over whenever the mood strikes me.  There is no telling what my posts will be about, but I do spend a considerable amount of time contemplating things like psychology, romance, purpose and meaning, false entitlement, impact, travel, etc.

I don’t really have anyone in my life that I can really converse with and delve deeply into these subjects.  It is unfortunate, but, I am finding, is quite “the norm”.  Ironically, I’m finding that I actually don’t want to go too much into myself in this post.  Socially, I feel that it is best that I reveal myself in layers (liken to the cliched “peeling of an onion”).  Something I will reveal about myself, however, is that I truly love intelligent conversation.  I love hearing others’ ideas and opinions and comparing and contrasting them with my own.  I always, ALWAYS respect others and their thoughts.  I suppose I am starting this blog, yes, to get thoughts on paper, but, maybe I am also reaching out, hoping to find the deep, intelligent conversation that I crave so desperately.

…and that is about as personal as I can manage to be for one day.  Do with it what you will.

I don’t know if this was an introduction at all, but it is, after all, my introductory post, so that’s relevant enough for me.

Thank you for reading.

I’ll leave you with this:

Actively seek the true beauty in your life.  If you have a grateful heart, you will not have to seek very long.  There is never a moment in life when we are unable to have a heart filled with gratitude.



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